Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Triple Campain☆

Restaurant name ; 31 ice cream☆
Site ; Everywhere in Osaka!!
Detail ; As you know, 31 ice cream is very popurar shop!!
There are many kinds of ice cream !!
"Challenge the Triple"
This campain is held in now!!
This campain is...
If you order 2 ice cream, you can get 3 ice cream!!!!!!
Term ; 6/2~7/12
I tryed this 3 times recently:)!!
They are limited sale in June!!
They were very delicious!!
They are worth eating for us!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Reasonable Price !!

Rsetaurant name ; KAWARA TEI

site ; 1 minutes on foot from an exit of Sakai Higashi station of Nankai Takano line

Detail ; You can eat as much as you like for 3,300 yen at this restaurant !!!
You can eat as mucu as you like not only meat but also salad, rice, soup, kimchi, ice cream and so on !!
You can also drink as much alcohol as you want for 1,600 yen there.
These time limit is 90 minutes.

These are Kimchi and Namru.
Of course, all of them are handmade !!
Everything is professional in this restaurant.
I love the grilled meat☆
And, we can eat them in a reasonable price !
So,I want to go to this restaurant very much !!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Restaurant name; PATISSERIE Empiffrerie.
Site; 5minutes on foot from an exit of Kyoubashi station of Keihan line.
Detail; This restaurant has too many kinds of Cake!
Of course,Everything is handmade!!
They are a little expensive,but we are worth eating!!

This is a character cake!!!
It is so happy☆
It would be a crime to eat such a cute cake!!!!

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Restaurant name; ANNYS
Site; 15minites on foot from an edit of Sakai station of Nankai line.
Detail; This restaurant has many kinds of rooms:)
For example,this restairant has Karaoke box,Bar,Banqueting hall and so on!!
Everybody must be able to enjoy!!
And.......Very fashionable!!!!!!!!
I do want to go this restaurant:)☆